Lawmakers press to save court

Cape Ann’s state lawmakers have slipped wording into the state budget that would stop any effort to close Massachusetts courthouses — including Gloucester District Court — until at least September, and probably far longer. Read more on the Gloucester Daily Times website→

Showing support for fishermen

As the Department of Commerce Inspector General’s office investigates the enforcement practices of federal fishing regulators — and as fishermen out of Gloucester and throughout New England brace for a sea change in the industry’s regulatory system — city and local legislative leaders are organizing a community show of support for local fishermen and the…

Auction faces new deadline, sanctions

State Sen. Bruce Tarr — who, along with state Rep. Ann-Margaret Ferrante and Massachusetts’ federal lawmakers, has pushed for a federal probe into alleged heavy-handed enforcement on the part of NOAA officials — said the latest NOAA enforcement action raises new questions — and concerns. Read more on the Gloucester Daily Times website→

Gloucester delegates to lead fishing panel

The state Legislature’s Joint Committee on the Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture yesterday announced the creation of a new subcommittee to focus exclusively on fisheries with the Gloucester delegation acting as chairmen. Sen. Bruce Tarr, R-Gloucester, and Rep. Ann-Margaret Ferrante, D-Gloucester, were appointed to lead the subcommittee. Read more on the Gloucester Daily Times website→