Ann-Margaret continues to be focused on making sure that Cape Ann receives its fair share of funding to have the ability to create pathways to new careers and economic growth for our residents, as well as supporting and investing in traditional industries that define our communities, such as fishing and farming.
Working with the Laborers Union, Gloucester High School, and Essex North Shore Agricultural and Technical School, Ann-Margaret helped to assemble a pre-apprenticeship vocational program for Gloucester High School students who want to go into the trades. Students in the program, starting in their junior year, will complete their academic coursework at GHS in the morning. They will then spend four afternoons of the week at Essex North Shore and one afternoon at GHS learning a brand new vocational curriculum directly from Laborers’ and GHS instructors. After the completion of this 18-month program, students will graduate from high school credited with half of their four-year union apprenticeship requirements and all the commensurate pay and benefits.
Ann-Margaret has helped to bring biotechnology to our students and to our evolving workforce by working with the Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute and the Gloucester Biotechnology Academy, a training program for biotechnology skills on Cape Ann that gives everyone from a recent high school graduate to a more advanced student the opportunity to find work in this emerging field. Students in the program learn hands-on lab techniques and career skills, culminating in placement at an internship to put their new skills to use. Graduates are working at established companies in Boston, startups on the North Shore, and at GMGI’s state-of-the-art laboratory on Gloucester Harbor. Others have chosen to continue their education in the sciences in college. To further promote science education in Cape Ann’s schools, Ann-Margaret worked with the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center to create stronger science programming from grade six through high school.
To provide opportunities for individuals to increase their earning potential, Ann-Margaret has worked to secure state funding for programs operated by Wellspring House and North Shore Community College to create pathways to new careers and higher education for those with the ability and willingness, but who lack resources and adequate support. These programs have allows individuals to find new ways to earn a living wage through workforce and life skills training, certificate programs, and continuing higher education at North Shore Community College.