Ann-Margaret understands the threat that climate change poses to Cape Ann and the Commonwealth. Impacts on sea level rise, more intense storms, food security, health care and spread of disease, transportation, and other areas of life will affect people across the board.
Effectively addressing climate change requires a wide set of tools. Ann-Margaret has sponsored a range of legislation that takes a comprehensive and varied look at addressing the issues that climate change presents to the people of Cape Ann and the Commonwealth. These bills directly address efforts to curb climate change and other threats to the environment as well as mitigating their effects, accelerating use of renewable energy, investing in renewable energy infrastructure and technology, promoting energy conservation, preserving open space, increaseing funds for research iniativies, coastal resiliency projections, infrastructure construction and maintenance, and developing carbon capture storage.
As global climate change challenges the ability to feed the Massachusetts population as well as the national and the global community, Ann-Margaret has filed a bill that she and her office researched and drafted to start monitoring and addressing the issue.
Ann-Margaret also supports a new House of Representatives initiative to invest $1 billion over the next 10 years to help communities across Massachusetts adopt technologies – including clean energy, energy efficiency, and climate change resiliency measures – that cut greenhouse gas emissions, fortify infrastructure and reduce municipal costs.