I was pleased as the House Vice Chair of the Ways and Means Committee to work along with House Ways and Means Chair Aaron Michlewitz, Speaker Ron Mariano, Speaker Pro Tempore Kate Hogan, and my colleagues in the House of Representatives to finalize the $58 billion Massachusetts state budget for the 2025 fiscal year.
At a time when state revenues are uncertain, the House has produced a fiscally responsible budget that sustains state services and invests in the future of the Commonwealth. With the end of substantial pandemic-era federal assistance, we must make investments in areas necessary to create lasting economic growth. This budget emphasizes the need to make Massachusetts an attractive and competitive place to live and work, with investments in housing, workforce development, and education.

The House budget includes over $16 million in aid to Cape Ann’s school districts and $5.9 million in local general government aid for Gloucester, Rockport, Essex, and Manchester-by-the-Sea. Additionally, the House adopted amendments I offered for local projects totalling over $700,000.
- $200,000 for Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute to conduct marine research using eDNA
- $175,000 for repairs to Hammond Castle roof and tower
- $75,000 for a needs assessment at the UMass Marine Station Gloucester
- $50,000 for the Department of Fish and Game to conduct a study for a by-catch recovery donation program for fisheries on Cape Ann
- $50,000 for the Town of Manchester for the planning of a senior and municipal use center
- $37,500 for the Gloucester Police Department for a firearms training simulator
- $37,500 for the Town of Rockport for upgrades to the Dock Square sewer pump
- $37,500 for the Town of Essex to complete renovations at Centennial Grove
- $30,000 for the Pathways for Children Imagination Library
- $10,000 for the Gloucester Police Department Community Impact Unit
- $10,000 for the Gloucester Boxing Club
Also included in the House budget was language I offered to increase the annual funding to Fishing Partnership Support Services from $2 million to $4 million. Fishing Partnership Support Services helps commercial fishermen secure healthcare plans and provides safety training, as well as other supportive services.
Having passed the House, the budget is now being debated in the Senate. To reconcile the two versions of the budget, a conference committee will be appointed, of which I will be a member. I am proud to be able to continue ensuring that Cape Ann has a seat at the table at each critical moment of this process.