It isn’t every day that I get to share our Cape Ann celebrities with my colleagues at the State House but when I do it makes for a very special day. Captain Hollywood and Captain Monte paid us a visit and received a rousing welcome in the Chamber when Speaker DeLeo introduced them to the members of the House. They were recognized immediately and enjoyed the ovation. The Speaker met with them beforehand and they talked Tuna and shared some behind the scenes stories about their popular show. It also gave me the opportunity to talk about the disastrous state of our groundfish industry and what we can do to save the 400 year old Gloucester Fishery. We know we need better science and a better approach to regulation and enforcement. I have co-sponsored a budget amendment with Representative Cabral of New Bedford to fund collaborative research that applies innovative technologies to better assess our fishing stocks. Federal regulations have placed an undue burden on our working fishermen and I continue to fight on their behalf. I am committed to saving our working waterfront, both its fishing industry and its shoreside businesses so that Gloucester can continue its great traditions as it moves through these difficult times.
- The guys from Wicked Tuna visit the House chamber
- The guys from Wicked Tuna posing with Rep. Ferrante
- The guys from Wicked Tuna pose with Rep. Ferrante and Rep. Wagner
- The guys from Wicked Tuna pose with Rep. Ferrante and Rep. Silvia
- The guys from Wicked Tuna posing with Rep. Ferrante and Rep. Pignatelli
- The guys from Wicked Tuna pose with Rep. Ferrante and Rep Puppolo