I recently met with members of the Gloucester Youth Council and members of the Gloucester SADD at the State House when they came in to the People’s House to talk with me and share their concerns about substance abuse. They visit with me every year on Kick Butts Day, an event where students from all around the state come to talk with their elected officials about the dangers of tobacco addiction and the predatory practices the industry uses to get them addicted early on. They were energized and well educated in the tricks of the trade. They showed me examples of the deceptive packaging and explained how the low cost flavored products were designed to entice them. But they are not fooled and work very hard to educate their peers to the health risks of getting addicted. I was so impressed with the breadth of their knowledge and their passion to encourage others to join them in this fight. They are making a positive impact in our City, and are dedicated to ensuring that all our youth make healthy decisions. I also met with the Students Against Drunk Driving. They too are working hard to educate friends and family of the dangers of substance abuse and drunk driving. They came to the State House for SADD Training Day, armed with statistics and enthusiasm, ready to let me know how they are preparing for a safe Prom season. They work with the GHS Health Education Program to reach out to all students to educate them and promote healthy alternatives. I am always happy to meet with constituents and Gloucester’s young people sure made me proud to be their Representative. Check them out at http://the84.org/chapter/gloucesteryouth and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/GloucesterYouthCouncil.
- Gloucester Youth Council visits the State House
- Gloucester Youth Council visits the State House
- Gloucester Youth Council visits the State House
- SADD Students visit the State House